
One more day of school left. I'll be glad to get out of the 'rise at 6 AM' routine everyday. I hate getting up so early. But on the other hand, it's hard keeping these kids entertained for nearly 3 full months. This summer is going to be so miserable too. I've never been pregnant in the summertime. :) I have an OB appointment next week, the 24th. I was supposed to go on the 14th, but I cancelled it since we had that viewing to go to. They rescheduled me for yesterday at 12:30, but I'm stupid and didn't even think about having to be here to pick up the kids from school. So I called yesterday and cancelled that one, and they put me to Monday, the 24th. I guess all my appointments will be put on Monday now. I liked the Friday appointments. Then the kids have to go to the dentist on Tuesday for some minor work. Hunter has one cavity and Mackenzie has two "dots" of cavity that they have to have fixed. I think we're just going to mostly relax for the first couple of weeks of summer vacation, not worrying about scheduling things or anything. I need to catch up on my sleep.

The preliminary hearing was today. Of course the fucker pleaded not guilty. He couldn't have the decency to not put everyone through a trial. I guess when you kill two people in cold blood, their families' and friends' suffering is not really top priority in your mind, though. I don't know what the next step is. I watched the news today but they didn't have anything about it. The Nashville stations were only interested in the sensationalism of the first few days. Now that all the boring court stuff is starting, they don't want to report on it. There should be something in the newspaper tomorrow, it's still HUGE news around here.

Well, not much to write today and I need to go get Shelby a bath. She's very cranky, she didn't have a real good nap today. And Darrell wants me to watch a movie with him. We're just taking it easy tonight, trying not to think about this time last week. I can't believe it's been a week already. In some ways it's like 'it's ONLY been a week?' and then it also feels like 'it's ALREADY been a week?'

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