
What a day!

After only four hours of sleep Wednesday night, I was so exhausted yesterday. I got to be the one to drive to Nashville and back again, so that didn't help anything. Shelby's surgery went really well. She did fabulously for the staff, and in recovery. All the staff at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital is just amazing. I would absolutely want to take any of my kids back there if they need surgery for anything in the future.

She's doing great today, too. Her throat isn't hurting as bad, but her ears have bothered her today. We've still been dosing her with her pain meds regularly, and we'll probably switch to an as needed basis tomorrow. She was able to eat a bit of solid foods this evening, and I'm hoping it'll be better tomorrow. Maggie has been jealous that Shelby seems to be getting more attention today, and she got a balloon and new doll from my SIL. I told Maggie if she has surgery, she'll get a balloon and new toy. Heh. Of course she doesn't understand what I'm talking about.

I've got to get my house cleaned up tomorrow. It was pretty neat before we left yesterday, but last night and today especially it's gotten pretty well trashed. I've been tired, because even though I was so sleepy last night, I was woken up pretty regularly by this or that, so I only got 3 full, uninterrupted hours of sleep from 7-10 AM this morning. The rest of the night was broken up into chunks of an hour or so at a time. I kind of expected that on the first night, though. Hopefully tonight I can get a full night of sleep!

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