
Happy Birthday, Maggie!

3 years ago today, I gave birth to my baby, my precious last child, my namesake! I so wanted to hold on to her time as a baby, knowing just how fast it goes, and I did, but it still went by far too fast. Today, she's a rambunctious, chattering, smiley, laughing, hilarious, sweet, affectionate, loving, adorable little 3 year old. She melts my heart when she says 'I love you, mommy', and irritates me beyond belief when she says 'I don't have to!'

I have her all to myself for one more year, before she goes off to pre-school, then Kindergarten, and out into the big, bad world. It won't go by slow enough, and before I know it, she won't be my little baby anymore, my little Maggie May. But for now she is, and I will enjoy every single day of it, even when I'm cleaning up the 3,000th mess of the day, or listening to an infamous toddler tantrum. Well, okay, I may have to refer back to this post during some of those times. ;)

Happy Birthday, my sweet little Maggie.

[sappy post over. please return to your regularly scheduled blogging.]


Pez said...

Happy birthday to Maggie!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Maggie

Kimmer said...

That is such a sweet post! Happy Birthday Maggie!

Robin said...

Happy belated Birthday Maggie :)