
Come on, summer!

Back in the winter of '04-'05, my family was sick everytime I turned around. We passed things around and around, and as soon as the last person was getting over something, someone got something else and started passing it around. Well, we're going through that again this year. We've had colds and viruses and bronchitis and who knows what else thrown in there. I've already had something like 4 colds this season, and I maybe get one cold per year, usually. The good thing is most of these things have passed quickly.

This weekend, Shelby got sick on Friday night. She was up off and on all night vomiting. No fever or anything else, and by Saturday afternoon she was fine. I woke up Saturday feeling puny, and extremely tired. I slept from midnight Friday night until 11 AM Saturday, took a nap from 3-5 with Maggie Sat. afternoon, then went back to sleep from 9:30-10:30 that night, got up and took a shower, and went back to bed at around 12 or 12:30, and slept until around 10:30 this morning. I had a headache and a stomachache yesterday, and I almost passed out right at dinnertime last night. So I was laying down and resting for most of the day. Maggie was complaining of her stomach hurting yesterday, which is why I laid down with her, but luckily nothing came of that.

I think part of my being so sleepy had to do with everything catching up with me. These past two weeks have been some of the busiest weeks I've ever had. I've had school, homework and studying, Girl Scouts, general household things to do, errands galore, and school activities for the kids, and I think it just wore me down to where I couldn't take it anymore. I needed the sleep, so I slept. I know that I will just be absolutely ecstatic for this semester to be over, and to be able to hang out with my kids over the summer and do a lot of nothing. :D

Of course, now it's 1 AM and I have to be up at 7 to get ready for school, so I should really go to bed now. I sat here and worked on Algebra homework for over 2 hours. :/ I've got my first test coming up Wednesday, so I've got some hardcore studying to do tomorrow night and Tuesday. I already informed L that I won't be at girl scouts this week, I need to be studying that night, she'll have to handle it alone.

Here's to a less busy week, although I can already think of about 50 things I have to do this week, so that's a pretty laughable notion.


Pez said...

Oh Paula, please try to get some rest. Sending healthy thoughts to your family. We've had a very sicky winter this year too.

Best wishes with your test on Wednesday.

Paula said...

I hope you guys are feeling better, too, Denine. It has been a horrible season for illness. :/