
Did I mention I hate Algebra?

I had my second test in Algebra yesterday. I got a little extra help this time, and thought I had a decent handle on it. I felt pretty decent about the test when I got home yesterday, then I went on the website today to see my grade. I made a 72 on this test, which means I actually made a 67, and got the 5 extra points for doing the practice test. Damn, man! I hate that I can't grasp this, I hate struggling and not knowing what I'm doing. I hate that this class is going to drag my GPA down, and I hate that I can't just let it go and try to be happy squeaking by with a C. I'm super frustrated about this. :/

In other news . . . :) Hunter's birthday was yesterday, he is 12 now! I can't believe it's been 12 years already. He got his present over the weekend, a new bike. It's a 10-speed mountain bike, and he's been riding it all over the place since he got it. I made a "Lego" cake last night, using cupcakes on a 13x9" cake to make it look like a lego brick. It looked a little sad, in my opinion, but everyone said it looked good. Whether they were just saying that to spare my feelings, I do not know. Heh. It tasted good anyway, which I guess is what matters. I got a picture of it, but I'm having a difficult time getting my pics transferred. I'll post one if I can get them transferred in the near future.

4 weeks of school + finals left! Woot! I can.not wait. Fall registration is coming up in the next couple of weeks, so I need to start thinking about that. I've decided that I'm going to try to take all of my classes for the fall semester online. Since Maggie will (hopefully) be in pre-school, no one will be home during the day, so I can carve out a block of time each day just to do school work. I'll just have to make sure I'm disciplined, and don't mess around on Delphi or anything. Heh.

They don't offer a ton of online classes that I have to take, but I know that Geometry, Speech, and Astronomy are all online classes. If I can just find one more, then I'll be set. I need to check and see if they have the catalog up on the website yet.

I've got several pictures I wanted to post on here, so I'm going to try to get my camera software working so I can transfer them and put them up here!


Kimmer said...

Yeah, pictures! Sorry to hear about the Algebra--it must be so frustrating.

Paula said...

It is frustrating, but I'm just going to have to accept that I am doing my best, and hope I can make at least a C. As of now, my average is a 77, which is a high C. Hopefully I'll do well enough on at least one test to give me a bit of a boost.

I'm still working on the pictures! I don't know what's up with my printer dock. It doesn't want to transfer the pictures.

Kimmer said...

If the dock is being difficult, can you connect right to the computer via USB port?

As for the Algebra, if you are doing your best, then you are doing your BEST. That's what counts, not the number.

Paula said...

I don't know, I guess I could connect directly via the USB cable. I'll have to get Darrell to look at it. I've only had the printer dock since last May, and it doesn't work right. :/

I know doing my best is what counts, but I really don't like making less than a B! I'm a perfectionist, and it really pisses me off that I can't do better.