
Summer vacation rocks!

I have been thoroughly enjoying my summer vacation so far. To start with, I got As in Spanish II and Sociology, and a freaking B in Algebra. Hallelujah! The first week (last week), I pretty much laid around and did nothing, just relaxed, enjoying not having to study or complete homework. Woot!

This week, I went to the library and got some books, plus my sister gave me a big stack, so I've been reading a lot. I wasn't able to read much while I was in school, so I'm making up for it. I've read four books this week already.

The kids' school year is winding down as well. In fact, Monday is their last day of school, and we pick up report cards Tuesday morning. There is no school on Fridays this month, so they only have one whole day of school left. They haven't been doing much the past week-week and a half, either. Just things like field days and picnics and free recesses. Basically the teachers are killing time. Hunter had his D.A.R.E. graduation today, so I went to that.

Darrell would have went with me, but unfortunately Maggie is now sick. It appears that she has the same stuff Shelby had. She spiked a fever this morning, and it hasn't went away yet. She's complaining of the same pains Shelby was, which are headache and stomach ache. She's being dosed with Motrin and is laying around sleeping off and on, inbetween whining sessions. (Poor kid is very whiny when she's sick)

Mackenzie started softball last week. They only had a couple of practices before their first game. There was another game scheduled for tonight, but it rained off and on all day, so it was canceled. She is doing really well so far, though. She's a much better batter this year than she has been in previous years. She's playing centerfield again, that seems to be "her" spot. She is fast though, and has a very good arm, so she can get the ball back to the infield when it's hit way out there. She has been talking about trying out for the middle school softball team next year, but I think I'm going to encourage her to play with the park league until she's in 7th grade. 6th graders don't get a lot of playtime, and playing with the park league will give her another year of practice and experience before trying out with the school team. After this spring, she'll have played for 5 years, so she'll have 6 years of playing under her belt by the time she tries out for the school team.

We also finished up our Girl Scout meetings this past Tuesday. We did spring registration, although we didn't get nearly the amount of girls re-registering that we started with this year. Which is actually fine by me. We had 8 girls re-register, which is about what I expected. We have two more that are unsure, but I'm waiting to mark through their forms until I get ready to mail the stuff, so they can make up their minds for sure. I still have to meet with the troop leader over the summer to come up with about three projects for the girls' bronze award, so they can choose when we meet again in the fall. But we have plenty of time for that.

I guess that's about all that's going on around here. I am definitely enjoying my rest, and the less stressful pace of life right now. I have until mid-August before it starts back in full force!

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