
Update on Shelby

Shelby is still sick. I took her to the doctor this afternoon. Her temp is running about 103, and I can't get it to come down. :/ They did a strep swab, which was negative. Then they drew blood, and said she's fighting a "strep-like" infection. Whatever the hell that means. The doctor said she was calling it tonsillitis, but uh, Shelby has no tonsils. If her fever hasn't broken by Friday, I have to take her back in. They gave us antibiotics for her, and told me to keep her home from school tomorrow, which of course I would anyway since she still has a fever! Duh.

As of now, her fever is still very high. She is being dosed with Tylenol every four hours, but it doesn't seem to be doing much of anything. I don't know what they plan to do if she still has a fever on Friday. I just hope it breaks before then.

So, that's all I know at the moment. Hopefully the antibiotics will start working and her fever will break and she'll be good as new soon. :)


Kimmer said...

I'm really sorry she's still sick. That's a lot for her to go through, and I hope she's kicked it soon, poor thing.

Paula said...

Thanks, Kim. She seems to be feeling a little better this evening. She's running around and playing, although she's still hot. Her fever has come down some, or at least she doesn't feel as warm as she did. I lost the themometer so I can't take her temperature.

Kimmer said...

How's she doing today?

Paula said...

We took her to the doctor yesterday, and they took blood again. The dr. said it was looking more like a virus now than it did the other day, but to finish the antibiotics anyway. She was running a slight fever then (99 or so), but today she's back to her normal self. Thank goodness!