
Movies to blubber at

I am so chatty lately. I just keep thinking of things to blog about. I think it's my boredom showing.

Anyhoo. Tonight Darrell and I watched The Bucket List. It has Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson. They meet in a hospital where they both have cancer, and they create a list of things to do before they die, and then go and do them. It started out great, Morgan Freeman does some narration and I could just listen to his voice for days. It was funny, and the two played off of each other so well.

Then something happened. It turned sad. Horribly sad. I admit, I cried like a little baby. I don't think I've cried at a movie like that since Steel Magnolias. The grave scene does it to me everytime. Darrell was looking like he was getting a little worried about me there for a minute.

If you've seen the movie, the part where he marks 'kiss the most beautiful woman in the world' off the list is where I officially lost it. Now I must buy this movie. If you haven't seen it, you must go get it now!

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