
I'm a cleaning fool!

For some reason, I got it in my head that my whole house needed to be cleaned from top to bottom, so I've been working on that this week. I've got a lot of it done, but I've been leaving the major rooms for last. Those being Shelby & Maggie's bedroom, and my & Darrell's bedroom. Those will probably take me a good two full days to do. Between that and taking care of Shelby, I haven't carved out any time to blog this week.

Shelby is doing good. She was great over the weekend, and then on Monday morning she started having pain again. She seems to be worse early in the morning, I imagine her throat hurts worse first thing in the morning. She's had to have pain meds upon waking up for the past three days. Yesterday she was feeling yucky all day, until around 5 PM. I hope she'll start feeling better again in the morning.

Mackenzie is coming home tomorrow, two weeks early. I'm glad, really, I've missed her. She isn't ready to come home, but my niece is homesick, so my sister is going to get her. I'm just having Mackenzie ride back with Amy, so that's all taken care of for me. My mom asked me if we could wait until next week, and she would meet me halfway, but I'm ready for her to come home now. School starts in about 3 1/2 weeks, so we have stuff to do to get ready for that. I want her to go through her clothes and see what still fits and what doesn't, so I know what I need to buy. We're going to let my niece use the clothes she doesn't fit into anymore, to help save my sister some money. She has so many clothes that only her favorite things really get any wear on them. The stuff I like the best I will put up for Shelby. :)

I checked my application for school on Monday, and it is now showing as processed. So I'm hoping I'll get a letter by the end of the week. I don't think there'll be any problem being accepted. For one thing, it's a community college, not a private university. I was a student there before, and my grades and everything are in good standing. My GPA from my three semesters there is a 3.450, and that includes an F that I got when I dropped a telecourse I took the semester I was pregnant with and then had Shelby.

As soon as the kids' school starts up, I'm going to go up and apply to substitute teach. If I can get my school schedule worked out the way I want it, I'll be taking three classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, and a fourth class online. That will put me only driving to Columbia for school two days a week, and leave three days open for subbing. If I can sub an average of two days per week, that'll have me bringing in around $300-350 extra per month. Nothing major, but it'll help. And on the plus side, it'll hopefully help me get my foot in the door after I finish school, to get a teaching job here. The closer it gets to starting, the more nervous I'm getting. I'm going to have to sit the family down and have a discussion about helping out this fall, and I'll have to get us on a strict schedule so I can keep the house clean, keep up with school, and spend time with my kids and husband. It'll be so worth it when I finish and have my degree. I'll just have to keep that in mind during these next 2-3 years.


Kimmer said...

It sounds like you have a good plan in motion. I hope Shelby is feeling better!

Paula said...

Thanks, Kim. You know what they say about the best laid plans and all, so I'm still nervous. Shelby woke up crying again this morning. I will be so glad when she is completely recovered!