I have two more classes (next Tuesday and Thursday) before my final exams and the end of the semester. Yahoo! I am so glad to be finished with this semester. On the other hand, of course, that means I have to study for final exams. Of which, two are going to be hard. In the current Spanish lesson, we're learning about a billion verbs that have stem changes. For example, querer. It means 'to want'. It's an e:ie stem change, but two of the forms when conjugating them don't have the stem change. So conjugating that verb looks like this: quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, queréis, and quieren. There are also verbs that have an o:ue stem change, e:i stem change, and there is one that has a u:ue stem change. So, I have to memorize the meanings of all the verbs, what their particular stem change is, and still remember the conjugation rules for the different endings: -ar, -ir, and -er. Spanish has come easy to me this entire semester, but this is by far the hardest lesson, and I'm feeling very anxious about this test.
I don't think Lit will be too awfully hard. The final in that class is over poetry (tone, word order, word choice, alliteration, assonance, etc.), A Midsummer Night's Dream, and A Farewell to Arms. We had the test over A Farewell to Arms yesterday. I didn't know we were having the test since I wasn't there Tuesday, and I hadn't read the entire book at that point. Hopefully I didn't bomb that test. Luckily for me, that teacher does her grading on an 800 point scale, instead of averaging all the grades, so it shouldn't kill me. Plus, all my other grades in that class are As.
Art is an entirely different story. We have to do things like trace the development of the human form in Art History, talk about Pagan prototypes in Christianity, and list a shitload of information on different monuments when we are shown the picture of each monument on a slide. For each monument, we have to memorize the name of it, the place from where it came, it's time period, the approximate dates it is thought to have been made, and it's current location. In a few cases, we have to know the names of the architects that designed the work. I am working my ass off in that class, and only pulling a C. This teacher is impossible to please, and I MUST make a C in this class, or I'll have to retake it. Hopefully I made a decent grade on my paper, but she hasn't graded them all yet, so I don't know when I'll find that out. I can say one thing, though. If I do end up having to retake the class, it will NOT be with this teacher. No freaking way.
So, anyway, my stress level is pretty high right now. I have a ton of studying to do over the next week - week and a half. If I disappear for a while, that is probably why. If I'm not back by December 14, come looking for me. ;)
I'm a dork
I spent much of Saturday getting all my research in order and starting to organize my Art paper. Today I began typing it all up. I had almost four pages of notebook paper handwritten. I started typing and got towards the end, and realized it was only about two pages long in Word. I told my mom that it didn't appear to be as long as I had thought, when she said "Are you supposed to double space?" Duh! This paper has me so rattled that I forgot to double space! Once I did that? Voila! Now I have 4 1/2 pages to my paper. I shall finish it up tomorrow to be ready to turn in Tuesday.
Yes, I am a dork.
Yes, I am a dork.
It's the most wonderful time of the year. . .
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Those that celebrate it, anyway. :) These past few weeks have been extremely stressful for me, with Shelby having some troubles at school. It's still not completely cleared up, but hopefully it will be soon.
We had a great Thanksgiving. I cooked dinner and it was delicious, if I do say so myself. We went down to my grandparents' house to visit after we ate, as we always do. We missed most of the family though. Apparently they ate and ran. My psycho ex-neighbor ended up being down there. Gag. She didn't say a single word to me, and I just acted like she wasn't there. Crazy bitch!
That night, we watched Home Alone, as is our annual Thanksgiving night tradition. It kind of kick starts the holiday season or something. On Friday, we set up the Christmas tree and decorated the house. Hunter put up all the outside lights, so we are all decorated up. It's finally feeling like the holiday season to me. Thanksgiving sneaked up on me so fast!
Mackenzie's girl scout troop is going to be in the Christmas parade this year (Dec. 6th), and this year it's a whole family affair! Darrell is going to pull the trailer with his truck, which he is more than happy to do so he doesn't have to stand out in the cold. Shelby and Maggie are going to ride with him and throw candy. They'll probably sit in the back and eat the majority of it. Heh. My mom has been pulling out decorations and fabric to help get the girls costumes and the trailer ready for decorating. Me, I'll be walking alongside the float during the parade, which I am not happy about! Hopefully, it'll be warmer than last year's parade, though. It was all of 7 degrees or so last year at the parade. I'll get my mom to take pictures, if she doesn't ride with Darrell, and put them up after the parade.
My Art paper is finally due Tuesday. Shelby is starting counseling that day, so I have to drive to Columbia just to turn my paper in that morning and then come back home for her appointment. School is quickly drawing to a close. I have only 4 more classes until final exams. Wow. I don't think I actually realized that. I was able to register for my classes almost two weeks ago. While I didn't get the ones I really wanted, I got a pretty decent schedule. I'll be taking Monday/Wednesday classes in the Spring, and I'm taking Spanish II, Sociology, & College Algebra. I'm also taking Speech as an online course; I'm pretty curious as to how that works.
Okay, this was pretty boring. ;p
We had a great Thanksgiving. I cooked dinner and it was delicious, if I do say so myself. We went down to my grandparents' house to visit after we ate, as we always do. We missed most of the family though. Apparently they ate and ran. My psycho ex-neighbor ended up being down there. Gag. She didn't say a single word to me, and I just acted like she wasn't there. Crazy bitch!
That night, we watched Home Alone, as is our annual Thanksgiving night tradition. It kind of kick starts the holiday season or something. On Friday, we set up the Christmas tree and decorated the house. Hunter put up all the outside lights, so we are all decorated up. It's finally feeling like the holiday season to me. Thanksgiving sneaked up on me so fast!
Mackenzie's girl scout troop is going to be in the Christmas parade this year (Dec. 6th), and this year it's a whole family affair! Darrell is going to pull the trailer with his truck, which he is more than happy to do so he doesn't have to stand out in the cold. Shelby and Maggie are going to ride with him and throw candy. They'll probably sit in the back and eat the majority of it. Heh. My mom has been pulling out decorations and fabric to help get the girls costumes and the trailer ready for decorating. Me, I'll be walking alongside the float during the parade, which I am not happy about! Hopefully, it'll be warmer than last year's parade, though. It was all of 7 degrees or so last year at the parade. I'll get my mom to take pictures, if she doesn't ride with Darrell, and put them up after the parade.
My Art paper is finally due Tuesday. Shelby is starting counseling that day, so I have to drive to Columbia just to turn my paper in that morning and then come back home for her appointment. School is quickly drawing to a close. I have only 4 more classes until final exams. Wow. I don't think I actually realized that. I was able to register for my classes almost two weeks ago. While I didn't get the ones I really wanted, I got a pretty decent schedule. I'll be taking Monday/Wednesday classes in the Spring, and I'm taking Spanish II, Sociology, & College Algebra. I'm also taking Speech as an online course; I'm pretty curious as to how that works.
Okay, this was pretty boring. ;p
I am about to lose my mind
I swear to god that I cannot take one.more.fucking.thing. I am so fed up. I need a vacation.
Migraine Hell
I woke up this morning feeling good. My mom had got up with the kids, let me and Darrell sleep in, and started cleaning the house. Woot! Shortly after I got up, I started getting the telltale aura in my eyes. It lasted about ten minutes and then the headache started. It wasn't very bad at first, but the more I sat there, the worse it got. I was trying to do research on my paper, so that probably didn't help, either.
Eventually, I started getting sick to my stomach and finally went to lay down in my room. I fell asleep and slept for about 3 hours. So I pretty much wasted my day. I got up around 5 this evening, and my head felt much better. Since then, I've had just a small headache. It hurts, but it's manageable. I made homemade chicken noodle soup for supper, and homemade biscuits. It was yummy, and everyone ate some; even Hunter, who is my pickiest eater. It was full of those gross veggies, you know. ;)
Tomorrow, Mackenzie is going to be in the Veterans' Day Parade with her Girl Scout troop. Since I'm the coleader, I'll be up there walking with them. There is school tomorrow, so we have to get all the girls back to their classes after the parade. I have to try to work on my paper some more, and do a review for Spanish class Tuesday. I have my Art paper and a Lit paper due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and I really don't want to be working on them over the holiday. So, can I really completely write two papers in just over a week, especially when one has to be 5-10 pages long? Stay tuned!
Eventually, I started getting sick to my stomach and finally went to lay down in my room. I fell asleep and slept for about 3 hours. So I pretty much wasted my day. I got up around 5 this evening, and my head felt much better. Since then, I've had just a small headache. It hurts, but it's manageable. I made homemade chicken noodle soup for supper, and homemade biscuits. It was yummy, and everyone ate some; even Hunter, who is my pickiest eater. It was full of those gross veggies, you know. ;)
Tomorrow, Mackenzie is going to be in the Veterans' Day Parade with her Girl Scout troop. Since I'm the coleader, I'll be up there walking with them. There is school tomorrow, so we have to get all the girls back to their classes after the parade. I have to try to work on my paper some more, and do a review for Spanish class Tuesday. I have my Art paper and a Lit paper due the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and I really don't want to be working on them over the holiday. So, can I really completely write two papers in just over a week, especially when one has to be 5-10 pages long? Stay tuned!
I'm pissed off!
I am in a bad fucking mood, lately. I don't know what it is, but I am more confrontational than I have ever been, and just about everything is pissing me off. My kids' teachers, my husband's boss (which also happens to be his father), my husband's brother (who thinks he is the boss), my college, random people on the internet. Heh.
Spring registration for currently enrolled students starts Monday. They have the schedule up now, so you can view it and pick your classes. I can't get any.thing. to match up. The classes that I had planned to take are not available on the same days, the times don't work out, and it's all pissing me off. I think I've got it figured out now, thank goodness. Speech as an internet course (although I'm not sure how that works), Essentials of American Government and Politics, Spanish II, and College Algebra. I had only planned to take two of those courses, but the other two aren't available in the times/days I need them to be. I was planning to take an 8:00 AM class, so I could get home earlier, but I can't because they are wanting to change Darrell's hours at work to start at 7 AM, and he couldn't be able to drive the kids to school. I would have to leave by 7:15 at the very latest to make an 8 o'clock class.
Darrell's brother suggested today that they start working Saturdays. Every Saturday. And working 7-5 everyday. That is 60 fucking hours a week. Even if he got a raise with this shit, it still wouldn't work out to be very much per hour, compared to the current hours and pay. IF he got the raise he wanted, he'd still be making $3.75 less per hour than he is now, and be working 20 more hours per week. He's salaried, so increasing his hours doesn't increase his pay necessarily. It's a ridiculous notion, and it would take me all night to explain the history with his family, and the reason we are so pissed about this. Nevermind the fact that he has a wife and small children that he likes to spend time with, nevermind that he has things he likes to do on the weekend, nevermind the fact that his back is getting worse all the time and he needs the weekend to at least somewhat recuperate from the workweek and let his back rest. They just want to get the work out faster so they can make more money.
Then his brother has the nerve to tell him that sometimes we have to "make sacrifices". What the FUCK does he know about sacrificing anything? He's always been taken care of by their dad, while Darrell gets the shitty end of the stick. He's always gotten extra money, back when they worked on commission. If he didn't make at least $700 each week, their dad would give him more money to go on. There were weeks, when Hunter and Mackenzie were little, that Darrell would barely clear $100, but that was just fine. But we didn't need any help. I think we've made plenty of damn sacrifices in our marriage. We don't have new vehicles, we don't have a nice new house, we don't go and drop hundreds of dollars on things just because we want them, their dad didn't go and finance a home for us in his name. I'm in awe of the kind of nerve it takes for HIM to tell US that sometimes you have to sacrifice.
So, anyway, that was way more than I intended to type about that particular situation. I'm just stressed with school, and I think it's causing my inner bitch to come out. I'm usually so easy going, but I'm at the point where I want to break bad on somebody's ass here lately. Heh.
Spring registration for currently enrolled students starts Monday. They have the schedule up now, so you can view it and pick your classes. I can't get any.thing. to match up. The classes that I had planned to take are not available on the same days, the times don't work out, and it's all pissing me off. I think I've got it figured out now, thank goodness. Speech as an internet course (although I'm not sure how that works), Essentials of American Government and Politics, Spanish II, and College Algebra. I had only planned to take two of those courses, but the other two aren't available in the times/days I need them to be. I was planning to take an 8:00 AM class, so I could get home earlier, but I can't because they are wanting to change Darrell's hours at work to start at 7 AM, and he couldn't be able to drive the kids to school. I would have to leave by 7:15 at the very latest to make an 8 o'clock class.
Darrell's brother suggested today that they start working Saturdays. Every Saturday. And working 7-5 everyday. That is 60 fucking hours a week. Even if he got a raise with this shit, it still wouldn't work out to be very much per hour, compared to the current hours and pay. IF he got the raise he wanted, he'd still be making $3.75 less per hour than he is now, and be working 20 more hours per week. He's salaried, so increasing his hours doesn't increase his pay necessarily. It's a ridiculous notion, and it would take me all night to explain the history with his family, and the reason we are so pissed about this. Nevermind the fact that he has a wife and small children that he likes to spend time with, nevermind that he has things he likes to do on the weekend, nevermind the fact that his back is getting worse all the time and he needs the weekend to at least somewhat recuperate from the workweek and let his back rest. They just want to get the work out faster so they can make more money.
Then his brother has the nerve to tell him that sometimes we have to "make sacrifices". What the FUCK does he know about sacrificing anything? He's always been taken care of by their dad, while Darrell gets the shitty end of the stick. He's always gotten extra money, back when they worked on commission. If he didn't make at least $700 each week, their dad would give him more money to go on. There were weeks, when Hunter and Mackenzie were little, that Darrell would barely clear $100, but that was just fine. But we didn't need any help. I think we've made plenty of damn sacrifices in our marriage. We don't have new vehicles, we don't have a nice new house, we don't go and drop hundreds of dollars on things just because we want them, their dad didn't go and finance a home for us in his name. I'm in awe of the kind of nerve it takes for HIM to tell US that sometimes you have to sacrifice.
So, anyway, that was way more than I intended to type about that particular situation. I'm just stressed with school, and I think it's causing my inner bitch to come out. I'm usually so easy going, but I'm at the point where I want to break bad on somebody's ass here lately. Heh.
My (not so) spooky spooks
The kids had a blast on Halloween. Hunter was dressed as a punk rocker, Shelby was Snow White, and Maggie was a witch. Mackenzie was a devil, but she was very last minute on going, so I don't have any pictures of her. Anyway, we live out of town, so we have to drive into town to trick or treat. We met my sister, her fiance, and her kids in a neighborhood near the park and walked around with them. My younger sister and her baby went with us, too. There were tons of people out this year, way more than I've seen in the past few years. We walked around for about an hour and a half, then picked up supper and came home.


And the closeup:


Shelby & Maggie:


And my niece, Kyra:

Crazy week
I have been so busy this week, it's making my head spin. My mom moved back to town last weekend. She's staying with us temporarily until she can get things in order. My sister and her almost 10 month old daughter were here from last Saturday until this evening, visiting. I've had school and everything I normally have going on. I was up until 1:30 AM the night before my project was due, getting it finished. I think I did a pretty decent job, but then I thought I nearly aced the test we had and I made an 89 on it. Heh.
I only have 9 classes left until the end of the semester. Yay! I can't wait. I get to register for my spring classes on November 12, and I'm going to try to take an easier load next time. I don't think this semester would have been so stressful if I hadn't taken Art under the instructor that I have. At this point, I'm thinking I will be fine as long as I pass the class. I am doing the best I can, but I'm not an Art expert, I'm not even an Art major, and I think she asks too much of her students.
Anyway, my current plans are to take Spanish II, College Math, Intro to Education, & an American Gov./Politics class that I can't remember the exact name of right now. :) Hopefully I'll be able to take those classes. I'm worried about the Intro to Ed. though, since it's a class for my major, and they're still saying I need to take Dev. Reading. But if I can't take that I'll pick something else. I need to go ahead and do my Biology and get it out of the way, but I'm dreading it and putting it off as long as possible. I am totally not a science person. Plus, there are separate labs with science classes. I've got to go to the doctor one day this next week, hopefully, and get my MMR shot so that I can register for more than 3 classes for the spring.
I got to talk to a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in forever tonight. She found me on MySpace the other day, and sent me her phone number. We met online at a parenting forum in 1998, and talked on the phone almost daily for the next two years or so. She and her husband came over and visited us a couple of times, too. We lost touch there for a while, then she looked me up online and found me. It was just like we had never been out of touch. I'm glad she looked me up! :)
I've got to get to bed now. I've got some pain meds in me that are making me sleepy. Well, that, combined with the fact that I've gotten very little sleep this week!
I only have 9 classes left until the end of the semester. Yay! I can't wait. I get to register for my spring classes on November 12, and I'm going to try to take an easier load next time. I don't think this semester would have been so stressful if I hadn't taken Art under the instructor that I have. At this point, I'm thinking I will be fine as long as I pass the class. I am doing the best I can, but I'm not an Art expert, I'm not even an Art major, and I think she asks too much of her students.
Anyway, my current plans are to take Spanish II, College Math, Intro to Education, & an American Gov./Politics class that I can't remember the exact name of right now. :) Hopefully I'll be able to take those classes. I'm worried about the Intro to Ed. though, since it's a class for my major, and they're still saying I need to take Dev. Reading. But if I can't take that I'll pick something else. I need to go ahead and do my Biology and get it out of the way, but I'm dreading it and putting it off as long as possible. I am totally not a science person. Plus, there are separate labs with science classes. I've got to go to the doctor one day this next week, hopefully, and get my MMR shot so that I can register for more than 3 classes for the spring.
I got to talk to a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in forever tonight. She found me on MySpace the other day, and sent me her phone number. We met online at a parenting forum in 1998, and talked on the phone almost daily for the next two years or so. She and her husband came over and visited us a couple of times, too. We lost touch there for a while, then she looked me up online and found me. It was just like we had never been out of touch. I'm glad she looked me up! :)
I've got to get to bed now. I've got some pain meds in me that are making me sleepy. Well, that, combined with the fact that I've gotten very little sleep this week!
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