
I'm feeling unloved

At this very minute, I'm feeling very insignificant, unappreciated, and unneeded. And not by my children either, it's my husband. He's been off work for almost a month now, and this situation isn't working. I've tried to give him time to rest and get used to things, but he doesn't seem to be getting into any kind of routine. Well, he has if you count laying around all day, playing on the computer, and things like that to be a routine. I know I'm not working either, but I do go to school twice a week, and he seems to think that I only have to do things for school when I am at school. I don't have any breaks at school though, so all of my homework and studying has to be done at home. He doesn't clean the house at all when I'm gone. Sometimes he'll start doing laundry, or pick up the living room, but he just generally straightens up if he does anything, not really cleaning. My house is more of a wreck now than it was when he was still working, I guess because he's here all the time to mess it up.

To make things worse, it's like he's this huge social butterfly now. His phone is constantly ringing, and he's talking to this person or that one, or texting with his sister, or one of his friends or his sister is over here, or he has to run over to someone's house for something. On Wednesday, when I got home from school he was on the phone, and literally, until about 10 that night, he was either on the phone with someone, or someone was over here. We, or I guess I should say he, had three visitors that evening/night. He barely spoke to me that whole time, he was too busy. Then he decided he'd sit down with me at 10:30 and try to chat me up. Well, fuck you buddy. You haven't had the time of day for me all this time. What, I'm only good enough to hang out with when there's no one else around?

Last night was Shelby's birthday, and shortly before we were getting ready to cut the cake, his aunt called and he had to rush out to her house real quick. So, needless to say, we are fighting right now. :/ I just know he's going to have to get over this shit because I'm not going to be put on the back burner for too long. Why even be here if he doesn't have time or the inclination to interact with us and spend time with us?


It's the halfway point!

I realized yesterday that I only have 15 classes left before finals this semester. That's only 7 weeks plus one class the week of finals. Woot! I don't know where this semester went, but half of it has passed by very quickly. I'm sure you will all be glad, too, so you don't have to listen to me whine about Algebra anymore. Heh. Speaking of, I only made a 70 on that test last week. :/ I got 5 extra points for doing the practice test, so that brought me to a 75, but it's not as well as I wanted to do. It is passing, and I did study hard, so if that's the best I can do, then I have to be happy with it.

I need to make an appointment with my advisor soon, to see if I can substitute the Phys. Geo. that I took in '01 with the World Geo. that is now required for my degree (Phys. Geo. is no longer required, but it was when I took it). I'm also thinking about seeing if she can do something about the developmental reading course they're wanting me to take. I would like to just have that taken off without having to retake that portion of the compass test. I know that is probably unrealistic, but it's worth trying, anyway.

I'm out of school for Spring Break now, too. I had class today, and I don't have to go back until March 10. Double woot! Of course, I'll have to spend that time studying Algebra, working on my Spanish vocab, and studying for my Soc. test that is the Wed. after we get back. But I won't have to attend classes, so I won't complain. :D


Come on, summer!

Back in the winter of '04-'05, my family was sick everytime I turned around. We passed things around and around, and as soon as the last person was getting over something, someone got something else and started passing it around. Well, we're going through that again this year. We've had colds and viruses and bronchitis and who knows what else thrown in there. I've already had something like 4 colds this season, and I maybe get one cold per year, usually. The good thing is most of these things have passed quickly.

This weekend, Shelby got sick on Friday night. She was up off and on all night vomiting. No fever or anything else, and by Saturday afternoon she was fine. I woke up Saturday feeling puny, and extremely tired. I slept from midnight Friday night until 11 AM Saturday, took a nap from 3-5 with Maggie Sat. afternoon, then went back to sleep from 9:30-10:30 that night, got up and took a shower, and went back to bed at around 12 or 12:30, and slept until around 10:30 this morning. I had a headache and a stomachache yesterday, and I almost passed out right at dinnertime last night. So I was laying down and resting for most of the day. Maggie was complaining of her stomach hurting yesterday, which is why I laid down with her, but luckily nothing came of that.

I think part of my being so sleepy had to do with everything catching up with me. These past two weeks have been some of the busiest weeks I've ever had. I've had school, homework and studying, Girl Scouts, general household things to do, errands galore, and school activities for the kids, and I think it just wore me down to where I couldn't take it anymore. I needed the sleep, so I slept. I know that I will just be absolutely ecstatic for this semester to be over, and to be able to hang out with my kids over the summer and do a lot of nothing. :D

Of course, now it's 1 AM and I have to be up at 7 to get ready for school, so I should really go to bed now. I sat here and worked on Algebra homework for over 2 hours. :/ I've got my first test coming up Wednesday, so I've got some hardcore studying to do tomorrow night and Tuesday. I already informed L that I won't be at girl scouts this week, I need to be studying that night, she'll have to handle it alone.

Here's to a less busy week, although I can already think of about 50 things I have to do this week, so that's a pretty laughable notion.


What day is it today?

I keep thinking it's Tuesday today, dammit! I hate when I do that. I was just freaking out because we have to take some sandwiches to GS tomorrow, and I was thinking it was tonight and I didn't have them ready!

So, now that that's out of the way. I have been horrible about new posts in here lately. It has just been on warp speed around here. Trying to find time to study, attend school, do girl scouts, having a huge fight with my sister, and Darrell quitting his job, my head is spinning.

All I did this weekend was deal with cookies. Instead of helping to pick up the cookies, and helping deliver them to the woman's house where we keep them, and helping sort them, I've had to do it all by myself. 218 cases of cookies, 12 boxes of cookies to a case. It took us two hours to load them up, on the trailer, in the back of the truck, and in the cab; it took us another two hours to sort them by girl (thank goodness Darrell has helped me out with this, I can't imagine how long it would have taken me to do it alone). I also have to handle the Friday night booth sale next week. I was supposed to be at the Saturday one as well (which is all week), but I'm letting someone else handle that one. I've done a lot to get the cookies ready, and I'm going to let someone else take care of the Saturday booth sale.

I had my first test in Sociology last week, I made a 98. Woot! I only missed one question out of 55, so technically I made a 98.18. My first Spanish test is Wednesday, and my first Algebra test is next Wednesday.

Darrell finally had enough of his dad and his shit, so he up and quit his job last week. I know, it was a hugely rash decision, but aside from having no money coming in, I'm glad he did it. I have been trying to get him to find something else for a long time. His dad has just gotten worse and worse on him, and his back has too. Last Monday, he was taking a sick day. We've had a virus going around, and he didn't need to be too far from a bathroom, if you know what I mean. I left Maggie here with him since he was home. His dad called him bitching him out shortly before lunch, and he had to go in to work, taking Maggie with him. As if that wasn't enough, when he got there, his dad was just being a total asshole, throwing stuff against the wall, telling him he needed to get his ass to work when he went into the office to rest for a minute, etc. It just got to him and he decided he'd finally had all he could take. There is a ton of backstory on his dad and their relationship, but I just don't have the time or energy to go into it. :/

So, anyway, that's what I've been up to lately. Boring, but busy. ;)