
The Guest from HELL!!

So, Christmas is over, and I'm slowly getting my house back into pre-holiday shape. Today, we all slept in and then I spent most of the afternoon sitting in the chair, watching a Project Runway marathon and thinking how I really needed to clean the house. Finally, around 6 PM, I got off my ass and started putting away all of my Christmas decorations and taking down the tree. Then I cleaned another room. Then I cleaned another. Then I sorted the mountain of laundry (7 people in the house + no laundry done for 3 days = mountains). I still have a bunch of stuff to do, but I at least got some of it accomplished tonight.

My youngest sister is in town this week. Originally, she was supposed to come down and stay the day of Christmas Eve. She waited until she was here, with all of her stuff packed in the car, to "ask" me if she could stay here until Friday. Let me just say that I don't mind her staying here, but she's a lousy houseguest. Not to mention she pretty much invited herself to stay at my home. We already have my mom staying here for a little while, so we are kind of full anyway.

The biggest thing that bugs me about her staying here is that she doesn't want to help out in the house at all, pick up after herself or help clean. Keep in mind, of course, that if she was an invited guest I wouldn't expect her to clean, but that's not the case, now is it? On the evening of Christmas Eve, my mom, Darrell, Shelby, Maggie, and I were all in the kitchen baking pies, making cookies, etc. I asked S if she'd help us out. She actually had the nerve to tell me that she has to cook supper and wash dishes everyday, so she wasn't doing anything. I asked her if she thought we only ate on Christmas. Miss "cooks for two adults and one baby", wah wah wah. Hello! We have 7 people in this house to cook for and clean up after. I have my mom here to help me now, but that's still 3.5 people apiece. Heh.

Luckily (for her), she went to stay with my older sister tonight and tomorrow night. She'll just be coming back down here Friday when her boyfriend comes to pick them up to get the rest of her things that she left here, and to say goodbye.

So anyway, enough of my bitching and moaning. Overall, our Christmas was a good one. The kids loved all of their presents. We got up super early (thanks, Mackenzie!) and opened gifts. Then Darrell started falling asleep on the loveseat, I dozed in the recliner, and my mom slept on the couch while the kids enjoyed their new toys. We ended up sleeping until noon, so our typical Christmas lunch turned out to be Christmas dinner. It was just a great lazy day. The kids were great, no arguing, and the adults sat around and watched tv. I cooked the dinner and my mom cleaned up.

I hope everyone else had a good day, and now it's on to the New Year! My sister and her clan are coming over for NYE, and I plan to get shitfaced. I'm going to buy some vodka this week sometime and get completely smashed that night. I haven't done that in forever, and I'll have at least 3 other adults in the house that won't be drinking, so I won't have to worry about the kids. :D

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