
I have writer's block

I've been trying to come up with ideas to write about lately, and I've had plenty of them! I just can't seem to craft anything into a coherent, non-sleep inducing post to entertain the masses (okay, the two of you that read here). Something will happen and I'll think "Oh! I can make a blog post out of that!", only to discover when it comes down to it, that I can't think of much to say on the subject.

Maybe things will get more exciting here, soon. The kids do go back to school in a month, and I start a couple of weeks after that. Hey, maybe one of the kids will get a sucky teacher again this year. That will guarantee ideas. Okay, I'm just kidding there.

I think I may be getting a bit delirious. It is past my bedtime. Okay, uh, bye!

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